Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Twitter Chats and Storify

This is a post about using Twitter Chats for educational professional development purposes. It is also to show how you can upload a Twitter chat into a Storify story and then embed it into a blog post. 

I participated in a Twitter chat, ATchat, tonight. I learned about some great apps, which coincidentally was related to something I was searching for to help a teacher use his iPad with a student.  It just so happened that someone mentioned the apps at the beginning of the chat, not even related to the "official" chat topics!  I wanted to save the chat for future reference so I saved it in Storify.  As you can see from the Storify story below, there was a lot of information sharing going on in this particular chat. 

Storify is an app that lets you curate information, images, videos, and whatever from the web and put it into a storyboard format, to save for later or share. This one consists of the posts on the Twitter chat, in order.  I didn't edit anything out, although you can choose what to put into your story.  After you save it, you can get an embed code to share in an HTML document, such a your blog in the HTML input view, which is done in Blogger by clicking the HTML tab (above left) and pasting in the code, which I did below and Voila! now you can see my Storify story.  Easy!