Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Second Graduate Class in Technology Integration

I recently finished my second graduate class in my Masters in Education in Technology Integration.  Yes, another technology class!  This one was similar to the first, but this time we created a wiki.  I was excited to have this project, because I had never created a wiki, so this was going to be a learning opportunity.  We also shared tools with our class members, and I learned about many tools that I had not known about.  The following blog posts will introduce some of these tools, as well as others I have come across and tested. 

The second class was even more fun than the first.  I also learned to create a Prezi presentation.  We discussed digital portfolios for students, created lessons for use with Interactive White Boards, and used a class wiki to share information, as well as create our own individual technology wikis.  I will add more information about these and more tools to future blog posts. 

My individual technology wiki has a resources page which has links to other educational technology blogs and websites as well as a few tools pages.  I hope you will find it useful.